Friday, May 12, 2017

Teacher Appreciation 2017

Camden has loved her teacher, Mr. Chadd.  He has been patient and kind as he pushes her to greater maturity and responsibility this year.  Plus he is just plain fun.  He is the one teacher on the playground interacting with the kids.  He is the one giving every child a high-five as they walk through the halls.

We sent a small gift each morning to show our appreciation.

Monday: Spicy Sriracha almonds - "Hope I haven't driven you NUTS this year"
Tuesday: Goldfish X-tra Cheesy Crackers - "You are oFISHally my favorite 3rd grade teacher"
Wednesday: Google Play gift card - "The end of the year is 'MUSIC' to our ears"
Thursday: Starbucks Caramel Latte K-pods - "Thanks a (caramel) Latte"
Friday: Cookies and Cream Bark - "Thanks for making me one smart COOKIE"

By the end of the week, the other kids in the class were giving her suggestions on what to get and what to say on the note.

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