Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Last Day of School

The last day of school was a week ago!  It was also awards day.  Camden got a medal for all-year honor roll.

After the LONG ceremony, everyone either left or went back to their classroom for the rest of the day.  Camden wanted to stay for the last class store.  I wanted her to participate in a new tradition.

The graduating seniors went back to their elementary schools and walked the halls in their cap & gowns while the elementary students cheered them on.  Since Waveland no longer has an elementary school, those students came to New Market.  We dug out our old Waveland gear and cheered them on.

They were blasting, "Celebrate Good Times" over the school speakers.  It was a fun atmosphere.

Then back to the class for indoor recess (it was raining).  I was going to take her home after the store, but then Mr. Chadd said they were going to have a raisin fight at the end of the day.  Apparently, they have all been saving raisins from their breakfast meals for a massive fight.  I didn't have time to stick around for pictures and Camden wanted to stay for the excitement.  I'm not sure a raisin fight would have been enough incentive for me to stay at school on the last day...but it worked for her. 

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