Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Ree Ree Graduates from Purdue

We didn't get to attend the ceremony (and I'm not complaining!), but ReeRee became the third, and final, Braund cousin to graduate from Purdue.

We headed to Lafayette to celebrate with the family.  Joe, Amanda and their two, plus Lauren and her beau, and Gramma Pat were there.

It was our first time meeting this handsome boy!  Look at Luke's lloooonnnngggg lashes!

Olivia enjoyed hanging outside with Camden (and the men) playing fetch with the dogs.

I never get over how she twists her body to get as much force and energy into the ball.

Luke enjoyed all the lovin' from his great grandma too.

Rachel's celebration meal request were these amazing spicy pineapple tostada/taco things.  They are delicious and authentic (Joseph learned it from Mexican co-workers at Don Pablo's).  She also wanted cheesecake.  Aunt Carole made a yummy turtle one and I made German Chocolate and Raspberry.  Oh my!


Family time is so good!

Congratulations ReeRee!  We are so proud of you! 

1 comment:

carole said...

What wonderful pictures - thanks for sharing our special day. Camden and Olivia were so sweet together:)