Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

I always like to pick our pumpkins from the field, so we decided to check out the only local pumpkin patch.   I knew it was small, but we wanted to support it.  It's called Priebe's and they are really trying to make it a nice full experience.  Best thing was everything was basically free (well...besides the pumpkins).

The first thing we did is go on a short nature walk through the property.  It was a perfect weather day and beautiful in the woods.

Next, they had a very small corn maze that we explored.

We did have to pay $1 to go on the hayride.  We were the only ones in the wagon, so we had fun throwing hay at each other.

The wagon stopped at the fire pit.  We bought a smore's kit ($1) that had one marshmallow, one miniature chocolate bar and 2 graham crackers for Camden.  I thought this was a great idea.  She roasted the marshmallow herself (and got it perfect!) then Kevin helped her assemble.

Finally we got a wagon and headed to the patch.

We always each pick one.  I liked the Cinderella one (see above) that was already picked, so despite my desire to pick from the field, I selected it.  Turns out it was rotting on the bottom and we switched it out for a cool gray-green one. 

Camden went searching for hers.

She discovered the one she wanted hidden under some leaves.  It had one small flaw, but otherwise was a great selection.  We even let her cut it from the vine.

We got them weighed, paid for, and loaded up for home.  What a nice outing!

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