Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Her Guest

Saturday Camden had a playdate with Paxton.  He lives in our little town, so we decided a nice afternoon playing at home was in order.  We picked him up at 11:30am then went to the mini-mart up the road where they each picked a bag of chips.  Boy did they think that was the greatest!
I made grilled cheese while they tortured chased Max through the house.  They ate lunch and made silly faces for the camera.

Then it was a full afternoon of pulling every game/toy/item out of every closet.  There was also lots of jumping on beds and chasing Max (poor, poor kitty).

We also got the playdough out for a bit.

I took Paxton home at 5pm.  Camden begged to have him over on Sunday.  They had so much fun!

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