Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fort Harrison - Monkey Bridge

The event ended at 6pm and we were headed toward the bus loading zone at about 5:30...along with 1/2 of the other people at the event.  Needless to say, the line was very long.  Kevin went to wait in line while Camden and I went to the restroom to clean her filthy dirty face from playing so hard.  As we got toward the end of the line to meet up with Kevin, we saw the Boy Scout booth was still going strong.  They had a rope bridge that Camden was up for trying.  Let me tell you, I was so thrilled to watch her do this.  She listened to the instructions, used her strong muscles to climb up to the starting perch, and crossed at a nice pace.  The spotters even seemed impressed with this little girl's effort.  

We will definitely be watching for this annual event next fall.  What a great outdoor adventure!

1 comment:

Grandma Pat said...

What a girl!!! Sounds like you had a great fun day! Love you all.
Gramma Pat