Friday, October 15, 2010

The Girl Who Likes to Sing

Camden has been singing up a storm lately.  I think they've bumped up the singing at her daycare, but we also sing alot in the car and at home.  Her favorites of late have been B-I-N-G-O, Jesus Loves Me, Little Fishies (which I haven't quite learned yet), and Baa Baa Black Sheep.  She also sings along with Raffi on his CD in the car all the time.  Problem is there are about 3 songs she wants to hear - over and over and over again.  But it is adorable listening to her sing "We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo..."  I love this singing stage!


Jennie said...

o.m.g. so. stinkin. cute.

Aspiring Mom2three said...

I loved when my kids were at this stage and always seemed to have a song on their hearts. Do you remember the Tell Me Why song we used to sing in Camden? I've sung that to my kids since thy were fresh from the womb and they love it - even today.