Saturday, May 8, 2010

Little Miss Manners

Camden is so sweet and polite.

She almost always says "thank you" after receiving something from you. It could be a treat, her nippy, a toy, etc.

She's not as consistent with "please," but sometimes remembers to say it when she's asking for something. Often a little prompting is all she needs; although more often then not we say the phrase and she politely repeats it back. "Ice...please" (she LOVES eating ice from the cup we are drinking from in the evening) or "book...please."

Her newest manner is saying "bless you" after a sneeze. She'll even say it when she sneezes! And with that cute little voice, it simply melts me.

When I pick her up from school and we talk about her day. I always check to see if she has been "nice." A few months ago there was some issues with biting (other kids biting her) and hitting (Camden hitting other kids). I had told her that she needs to be "nice" with other kids. I would rub her cheek to show her that you touch someone gently. So now when she talks about how she played, she'll say "nice" and rub her cheek.

Similarly, she has learned that the opposite of "nice" is "not nice." I don't remember ever telling her that, but several times that she has done something wrong, like throw a toy or throwing a fit, she'll turn to me and say, "not nice."

She is also big into "helping." She'll help me put the clothes into the dryer from the washer. It's her job to push the clothes in and close the door. She also loves to help me when I take out my contacts in the evening. It's her job to put the lid on each cup. She sees me start to do one of these things (and some other specific things as well) and she'll start saying,"help me, help me." Repeating what I always ask her, but using it to tell me she wants to help.

Our little sweetie pie!

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