Thursday, January 15, 2009

First Feeding

We had decided to wait until Camden was close to 6 months before introducing food to her. She had been showing signs she was ready last week (trying to sit up with a bottle, reaching for things at the table, etc.). But then she got sick, so we had to wait. Boy was it worth it! She was definitely ready and took right away to the process.

Both Kevin and I were home today, so we each took a turn

She loved playing "choo choo train" with Daddy.

And didn't make too big of a mess...

We had to capture it on video as well. I love that her feet are constantly moving. Kevin didn't know that I was recording and hates that I caught him talking like I did, but I love it, so you get to see it! He advices that you push mute.

Overall, it was a great experience for everyone and Camden gives rice cereal two thumbs up!

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