Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Remote Learning Option

Our home internet went out on Monday morning.  Well, technically, it was just glitchy and slow during school, but went out totally at some point on Monday.  Camden was having trouble staying in her online connection and hearing her teacher/completing assignments.  We decided to take advantage of an option at a nearby church.

New Hope Church has opened their doors to any student 6-12th grade to use their internet.  We rushed over between two classes and they welcomed us, showed us upstairs to the high school youth rooms, and left us to work.  

She loved being able to get comfy on a couch and love the idea of playing a few games in her down time between classes or when her work was done and she was waiting on the next one to start.  We also have the option to turn on the TV to enjoy Netflix, etc.

When we came in, they also told us they had snacks/drinks for students and just to let them know if we needed anything.  When I ran an errand at lunchtime, Camden stayed and did her classes.  The staff checked on her once and gave her a Dari-licious ice cream cup for a snack.  Such kindness!

This church is just down the road from us, probably 3 minutes.  It's a perfect solution for us...and Camden plans to come here on her remote learning days from now on (except Fridays when they are not open). 

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