Monday, July 27, 2020

Melting Pot Birthday Dinner

Camden has wanted to go to the Melting Pot since she heard of it's existence.  We've held off so we were sure she was at the point she could appreciate it enough to justify the price.

She raved about the first course - Wisconsin Cheese (Aged Cheddar, Emmenthaler, Sam Adams Boston Lager, Garlic) - loving the bread, broccoli, cauliflower, and apples that she dipped in it.

We let her drive most of the decisions and she selected Bourguignonne - European style with canola oil, panko bread crumbs, and tempura batter.  She opted for all chicken kid's meal, while Kevin and I each got various meats.  We all enjoyed this style, but the extra effort to coat everything and then "fry" was not our favorite way to do the Melting Pot.  Next time we will try the grill (we have never done that) or go back to our favorite Caribbean broth option.

I was not real thrilled when she wanted the S'mores dessert fondue.  This was milk chocolate with marshmallow crème swirled in, then flambeed and graham cracker crumbles added. It is not one of my favorite options in desserts but, again, the birthday girl got to make the selections.

As we began enjoying the strawberries, pineapple, bananas, rice krispie treats, brownies, cookie bars, and angel food cake, Kevin and I looked at each other and declared that this was our favorite dessert fondue we have every had there and we would get it again next time!

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