Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Migraine Update

Camden has started on a daily migraine medicine.  We are still in the first week so don't have any "results."  She also has a new medicine to take when one does come on.  Thankfully, the doctor was able to find these in liquid form and we are successfully taking them!

We have also had some additional accommodations added to her 504 plan at school to hopefully address a few of the triggers (light & sound specifically).  The biggest thing being to wear sunglasses (or visor) and ear buds (which have not come in yet because Camden requested some specific ones that weren't on Amazon prime). 

Thankful to be moving forward and hopefully reducing the number and severity of her headaches/migraines.

She puts her glasses on as soon as she gets out of the car when I drop her off in the morning.  She's a movie star!

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