Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Jr. High Hurts

Literally.  Camden had to get her next round of immunizations as she prepares for moving up.  Southmont offered an immunization clinic and she decided she would get the shots she needed there instead of going to her doctor.  She was the first one there and was VERY nervous.  I told her she could cry if it hurt, but she could not scream.

The ladies talked to her and tried to distract her.  I told her it would only hurt like a fingernail in your arm (and I poked her).  She seemed fine.  The nurse prepped her and sucked on her lemon icee.

She had to get three all together...two in one arm and one in the other.  The first shot hurt!  She cried and had the nurse wait several minutes before doing the second.  Camden kept repeating, "wait, wait, wait" and did not trust that she would.  Of course, the nurse was great, and gave her the space to calm back down and be ready.  She reassured Camden that she would not do it until she was ready.

Camden asked that she go really slow and said she was ready.  Second shot complete!

She was ready for the third shot and took it quickly.

Her arms were still sore this morning and she does not want shots for a LONG time...unfortunately she needs the second round of one of these in 6 months.

I was super proud of how she handled herself!

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