Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Fat Bottom Donuts

Staying on the food topic...we have a new donut company in town.  They actually are just a donut truck that feature only yeast and cake donuts with three different icings and cronuts.  Occasionally they will throw in a chocolate cake.  Since they are new, the lines are long and they sell out quickly.  I saw they were going to be parked at the car dealership nearest us on a recent Saturday morning.  I was up early and decided to head over.  I got there before their announced opening and beat the crowd! 

It helped that a heavy rain shower was about to hit.  The box got a little wet as I made my way back to the car, but warm, fresh donuts were inside.

We got a sample of each kind of donut with each of the three icings - strawberry, chocolate, and plain.  She threw in a couple of extra chocolate cake since their cronuts were not quite ready. 

The yeast ones were good, but the cake were fantastic.  Still doesn't top Mary Lou's or Titus, but it's up there!

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