Friday, August 11, 2017

Mrs. Clifton's Class

The group of kids in 4th grade is the smallest number in the school.  There are 55 students.  For the past 3 years, they have had 3 classes of 15-18 students.  This year, the school decided to just divide them into 2 classes and so they now have 27-28 students.  It will be a big adjustment for all!

The other thing that came out of that is there is no longer one high ability class.  I agree that with only two classes you don't want labels like that.  So they have split the high ability students into 2 clusters and placed them in each room.  Each teacher will have special assignments and work time with high ability lessons for the clusters.  I think that will work well for Camden and help her thrive in the areas she is strongest.

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