Monday, September 19, 2016

Anderson Orchard

We did some U-Pick at one of our favorite orchards. I say that, but we haven't been in almost 6 years.  And boy has it grown and changed.  The last time we went there were only a few other pickers and us.  This time, there were hundreds! 

We weaved our way through the other vehicles and decided to check to see if there were still any red raspberries left on the vines.  We found a few worth eating and each got to taste their yumminess.

Then we traveled all over this HUGE orchard to find apples that were ready to pick.  We sampled Gala, Jonathan, Golden Delicious, and Red Delicious.  We added a few of each to our bag.

We then drove around about 2 loops trying to find Grimes Golden.  It is an older variety and considered one of the "parents" of the Golden Delicious.  We finally found them and discovered it was our favorite - very crisp and sweet.  We filled our bag with these beauties.

We left the orchard and headed over to the store.  Lines were long, so we simply bought a gallon of apple cider, but didn't get any concessions.  We also felt we got a good bag from u-pick, so didn't buy any more apples either.

Camden ended the day with some play on the straw mountain and playground, as well as a photo op in the tree sign.

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