Thursday, August 11, 2016

First Day

This girl amazes me!  She was so ready to go to school. 

I figured out the bus transportation from Ladoga Elementary to New Market Elementary.  She was to get on a certain bus at Ladoga then transfer at the high school to a second bus that would take her and about 10 other elementary kids to NM.  When I talked to the first bus driver, she explained that it was her husband that drove the second bus and she walks the kids to that bus.  Camden was clear on her bus numbers and ready to go.

We stepped outside and saw a few high school boys waiting at our stop sign.  We went over and discovered there was a bus that left from our apartment to Ladoga.  It was the second to last stop, but meant I didn't have to drive her at all.  So she transfers twice...each way!  But goes door step to door step. 

I followed the bus to Ladoga this first morning to make sure it went there (and not directly to the high school) and to make sure she was able to find her second bus.  Turns out there are only 4 buses and the principal was right there to make sure she got on the right one.  However, as I watched her, she was as confident as confident could be and just made her way through the "crowd" and onto the correct bus.  Little Miss Independent!



I also went up to Ladoga at the end of the day, because we hadn't completely discussed that she would be taking the bus home from there (because we didn't know about it until the last minute).  However, she never came out to the cars and when I went the few blocks home, parked, and got out, she bounded off the bus and ran to me.  She was super, super excited about the first day and I was super, super proud of her confidence and ability to handle two bus transfers.

She has decided she will do this every day and get breakfast at school (it's free!).  It's a great plan and I hope it lasts the year.  It actually is only about 5 minutes longer in travel than if I took her myself and she can still sleep in since she doesn't catch the bus in front of our apartment until 7:35.

All reports about her class and teacher were extremely positive as well.  She has lots of her friends in her class.

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