Friday, April 15, 2016

Mini-Vaca & Gramma

Nashville/Brown County is only 20 minutes from Grammy Pat.  She came over on Friday night to have dinner and hang out with us.  All the shops were closed, but we had dinner at The Artist Colony restaurant on the main street of the little town.  It was okay, but not some place where I need to return.

Afterward we walked down a block and got a few desserts to split at the HobNob Corner.  They were very tasty and the food looked great.  We might need to try it for a meal next time we are in the area.  I brought my camera, but forgot to get any pictures of our dessert spread until after it was all gone!  Camden showed me all that was left of our key lime pie.

 Then she decided to give it a try.  Boy...was it sour.  I didn't catch it fully, but we got a real pucker reaction on this lime.

Gramma had to work the next morning (it's tax season so Saturday hours are normal).  She did come back over to spend some more time for lunch and an afternoon stroll through some shops.

We went to the Farm House Cafe and Tea Room just a few miles outside of town.  This was exactly the kind of place I wanted to go to in this quaint area.  Our food was made with lots of fresh produce and herbs they grow on site.  It was still a cool day and we sat at a table near the main door.  It was a good thing to have a nice fire nearby.

Gramma and Kevin each tried the Herb Barn Chicken Salad sandwich with their house potato salad.  Excellent.  I had the Garden Lovers Vegetarian sandwich.  It was a supped up grilled cheese with all kinds of veggies in it, along with the potato salad.  Camden got what turned out to be my favorite sandwich - Brown County's Best BLT.  It had a sun-dried tomato herbal mayo on it and some of the best bacon I've had in a while.  She liked it too, along with her own potato salad.  She had filled up on the tortilla chips and spinach dip that was served complimentary so Kevin and I got to finish off her large sandwich.

The waitress brought us a sample of their famous Herb Barn Lemonade.  It was a weird combination but sooo yummy.  It had milk, ginger ale (I think) along with their lemonade concentrate.  Camden drank the rest of the sample and Gramma ordered a glass.

Their desserts sounded amazing but we were full and knew we would be having some samples of sweet stuff (fudge!) when we shopped.

This place is definitely on our radar to visit again the next time we are in the area.

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