Friday, January 29, 2016

Blog Book

I started this blog about 2 weeks after Camden was born.  I didn't like the idea of a baby book or have the patience to do scrapbooking; however, I did want to capture aspects of her life.  I had some friends who babies and were blogging.  The plan was to turn each year into a book using an online company that does this.  After I stayed at it for over a year, I went to a recommended site and started the process.  It required a lot of editing - what picture was included, how big, what font, where it would go, etc.  I just couldn't get motivated to put the time and energy into it.  Despite that I kept actively blogging.  It was great for the extended family to see updates on our little family life.  I figured even if I didn't get a book made, she had an electronic file she could always peruse.

Aunt Carole recently went to her annual scrapbook retreat where she catches up on her books.  In talking about it, I decided I might look into Camden's book again.  I had a coupon for 25 % off one site and I began the process. I quickly learned that it was a fast tool and that it was a site that you can't really edit it much beyond some basic settings.  I did her first year and it went smoothly and I liked the preview.  I decided to do her second year too (coupon expired that day) and wait for the results before I did the rest.  The whole process for both books took less than an hour.  

I guess I blog a lot because they were over 400 pages each (2nd year was bigger).  It was not cheap, but really not expensive considering the end product. 

I got to select the cover design and the picture on the front.  I selected to do one of the first pictures from the year it was covering.  I will do each book from August of one year through July of the next.

I also got to write a dedication as well as decide to include or remove the table of contents.

I also selected to have each blog post start on a new page.  That left some pages with some blank space and some with one or two random pictures.  For the next books I might take the time to edit that by removing a picture or two so the post  is contained within a certain page.  But I also might such a big book!

They company's format also decided which pictures were large and which remained small.  In general I really like how that turned out.

I also could select the photo on the back.  I am choosing to put a picture that represents the birthday/year that she turns in July of that month.  So the first book has a picture from her first birthday.

The second book is just as terrific.  The only different thing I discovered was that I could include a photo with the dedication page.

Camden loved them!  I can't wait to show them off.  Now I've got to create a shelf space that keeps them handy for people to access, but not too handy that Camden can get to them whenever she wants (like when she is eating and her hands are dirty).  I can't believe what a treasure these are!

1 comment:

carole said...

So very neat and great incentive to continue blogging so faithfully!! Great job:)