Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Sock Hop - December 2015

We moved the Sock Hop to the fall because the school's Spring calendar is booked with ISTEP and carnival and other events.  This is the second year for this event and it has become a beloved one.  The K-3 students stay after school until 5pm.  There were about 175 students who stayed.  Our DJ is one of the parents of a 1st grader and he does a great job picking popular, but appropriate songs that the kids actually dance.  Lots of the little ones like to just goof off with their friends too.  It was super fun to watch them all have such a good time.


The young ones are picked up at 5 and the 4-6 graders come at 6.  It's a mad dash in between to get cleaned up and set back up for the next 175 students.  We turn most of the gym lights off for this group (keeping the stage lights on for seeing) and the DJ gets his lights going.  We also sell glow necklaces/bracelets which add to the fun.


In the cafeteria, we have free popcorn (donated by the local movie theater) and Go-gurts and apple slices (donated by McDonald's) for a health snack.  We also keep lemonade and water flowing for everyone.

In addition to the glow items, we have some candy for sale, as well as pizza at the older kids' sock hop.  These kids plowed through these items!  It's amazing how much money some of them are sent with!

Camden loves this event!

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