Wednesday, August 28, 2013

CSX Family Day

We had a full weekend!  On Sunday, Kevin's work had Family Day.  It was held at a park in Avon.  They had reserved the entire park for the event.  There was a fun section of bounce "houses."

The Wrecking Ball was Camden' favorite.  Probably because she had never experienced it before.  Everything else was old hat.

She said her favorite activity was the train ride.  We let her ride by herself. 

The funny part was that at this party for train employees, the toy train broke down and couldn't get running again.  Where are the car men when you need them!

The local D.A.R.E. police officer and his car were there.

Plus Darweena the clown - complete with SpongeBob shirt!  Camden got a green snake on her arm and a green snake balloon.  Can you guess her new favorite color?  Not sure where the snake choice came from.

On our way out, she tried these large tricycles.  She couldn't reach the pedals to make them go.  She quickly figured out that she could put her feet behind her on the back wheels and spin them to make herself go.  One smart cookie!

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