Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Program

The Friday before Christmas, Camden's preschool did their Christmas program, "A Bunch of Gifts."  Miss Lana once again outdid it.  This was simply beautiful, amazing, and tender.  Three kids were out sick and Joseph should have been, but the remaining 20 kids sung their little hearts out.  The opening number was the theme song, but before they got started, everyone gave their best waves to their parents so they could focus the rest of the program.

Mary and Joseph were introduced and the first gift was retrieved by the "getter".  He went into the audience and found a wrapped present as Miss Lana narrated.

Songs were also interspersed between the narrative.  The song about the cows, chickens, and cat at the manger was quite comical (especially Camden's expressions when she mooed, bawked, and meowed).

The shepherds and sheep were next, followed by 4 beautiful angels (next post).

Finally, the shiny star led the three two wise men (flu!) to the scene.

They opened the fourth gift (gold, frankensense and myrrh) before heading to manger to worship.

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