Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy, Happy, Happy

Camden amazes me all the time. I can't believe how much she understands and how much she can convey to us. She copies all that we say and is expanding her knowledge and vocabulary all the time.

She hears a dog...and says, "Woof, woof" to let us know about it.

She wants to eat...and goes to the kitchen and stands in front of her high chair and pats it.

She goes to the computer and points to the on/off button...and shakes her head "No," because she knows she is not suppose to touch it.

But my two favorite thing she says now are "Yummy, yummy, yummy" and "Happy, happy, happy." Obviously the first one is in response to food she has tried - and sometimes if she sees us eating something she wants to try. But the second is just a state of being for her.

The first time I caught her saying it was about 3 weeks ago. I put her in the bath tub for her evening bath and she started saying something in a whisper. I leaned in and heard, "happy, happy, happy." She just kept saying it over and over. I wasn't sure if she meant it or it was just a new babble. But she says it when she gets home and starts playing with her toys. Or when I pick her up in the evening, put her in my lap, and start reading her a book. She actually says it alot. And I would agree...she is a very happy girl...and she just wants to let us know.

She has also started to blow kisses and give lots of hugs and even some real kisses when she wants. She is a very loving, happy, expression little girl.

I have no new pictures today...but was sitting at work thinking of my little sweetheart.

Oh...and she went to the doctor for a check-up (and three more shots) 15 months she weighs 23lbs 4oz. and is 31" long. Her head and height are somewhere just shy of the 75th percentile and her weight just above the 50th. Right on track!

1 comment:

carole said...

Well I already knew she was the perfect baby:)Looks like she might be a tall young lady?? I need one of those Camden kisses soon. Lots of love from Aunt Carole who's reading this at work and missing my girl.