Friday, June 12, 2009

Her Own Room

Camden has a new "go to" sleeping position.

I find her sleeping like this all the time! Cracks me up!

She also loves napping on someone's lap. I guess I kinda spoiled her with this because I love holding her while she naps or goes to sleep at night.

Her cousin Rachel found a unique position, but Camden doesn't seem to mind! Is it me or does she look sooo long?

The other big news is we have moved her (I know...finally!) to her own room. In putting the house on the market and "staging" it for showing, we knew everything would look bigger and more put together with her crib in her bedroom. Wednesday night was the first night since she was in NICU that she has stayed in another room than me. It went well...and we finally got to use that monitor we spent good money on a year ago!

This was the sight when I came to get her the next morning.

"Get me outta here, Mama!"