Sunday, May 17, 2009


Friday night started out with a nice rain. I took Camden out in the yard to see if she liked the cool water on her. She thought it was a good time.*

And wasn't thrilled to come in**.

But then it stormed. Kevin was at work when the winds howled, the lightening and thunder shook the house, and we briefly lost power. I never heard a tornado siren, but all the signs throughout town on Saturday morning point to a very powerful storm. Many, many trees were down or limbs sheared off, shingles were scattered throughout the streets, and the old grocery store in town took the hardest hit.

* our battery was dead on our new camera, so we used an old one...whether it's to blame or it's user error, you'll have to excuse some of the blurriness in the pictures.

** oh, my...those bluest of eyes!

1 comment:

Grandma Pat said...

Hi, pretty girls!
So glad you're okay after that storm! This is really the season for them. These are great pictures of Camden and Mommy. I'd love to have copies of a couple of them. I've been printing out black & whites from the blog, and enjoy carrying them with me. Still haven't set up my little picture frame. Hope to get it done soon. Love you all. Grandma Pat