Wednesday, December 3, 2008

She Earned It

When Camden got her vaccinations yesterday, her doctor told us that we should give her some Children's Tylenol when we got home and then only give her more if she "earned it." Meaning that she should get more if she was running a fever or in obvious pain.

She slept most of the afternoon, but was quite whiney for Camden. That night when she went to sleep she was very restless. I would wake up every half hour or so to her whimpers. I finally took her out of her crib and laid her on my chest while I reclined on the sofa. At about 1am, she woke me up with hard was then I noticed how hot her head felt. I took her temperature and it was 101.9! The poor thing was miserable. I stripped her, gave her some more medicine, and spent the next 3 hours rocking and trying to comfort her. By 4am she was finally back to sleep and I got a few more hours in myself. I am more aware of how blessed I have been that she has slept through the night since she was a wee newborn and that this has not been our normal night! Needless to say, however, I was exhausted this afternoon at work and am ready to crash now...this is what it will look like in our house this evening.

Thankfully Camden is doing much better!

1 comment:

Grandma Pat said...

Oh, poor Camden! I'm sorry those ouchy shots made you feel bad, but glad you're feeling better now. Would you ask Mommy if you can come see Grandma Pat and Grandpa Jim at Christmastime? We have to stay in Columbus all weekend because of Grandpa Jim's work. We hope someone can come and visit us. Maybe Aunt Linda and Grammy can come too. Do you think you can come the day after Christmas? We'd love to see you. Love you bunches! Grandma Pat