Sunday, August 29, 2010


Saturday was the annual Taste of Montgomery County. We love this low-key event and enjoyed the beautiful evening outdoors with yummy samplings of local restaurants.

Camden was entranced by the band that was playing. I think it's because it was soooo loud for her.

She ran into a little buddy from church and she gave him a ton of hugs and kisses. She was so tender and gentle. It was really sweet. Then he followed her around for the next 5 minutes.

She kept asking for a drink of my diet coke. We really prefer her to drink water, milk or juice, but we didn't have any with us at the time...and who can resist this face.

Yes, that is a swollen lip. She busted it earlier in the day while climbing UP the slide at Chick Fil-A.

Her favorite activity at the Taste, though, was running around the grounds behind the Lew Wallace Museum where the event was held. At first she just played with a few other little kiddos.

But then Kevin got in the action and they ran all over the place.

At one point she drew a small crowd and began entertaining them with her jumping skills. It was hilarious to watch her make the other children laugh.

Needless to say, we had a hard time getting her to leave. It also makes us really want a bigger house (and yard) for her to be able to run and play like this.

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