Thursday, September 2, 2010 Colorado

There were a few pictures that didn't fit in with any of the other Colorado posts, but that I didn't want to forget.

Unfortunately, we never got a picture of Camden with Lora's two dogs, Miss Georgia and Major Dog. Camden had a love-hate relationship with them, and it consumed our time when in the house. Even when we got home, she had to call the dogs on her toy phone and see how they were doing. One of her favorite things was to follow them out on the back porch through the curtain screen. It became hard to resist rolling up in it, too.

Her other favorite thing at Lora's was her cot bed with pink princess sheets. She slept through the night very easily on it and could get in and out on her own. It let me know that she's getting close to being able to move to her own "big girl" bed.

It looked so huge for her....

....until she's uncovered and you see how long she really is!

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