Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 7: Manitou Cliff Dwellings

Our last day to explore Colorado and we headed back to Colorado Springs. There were a few more places we wanted to see that we just didn't have time for in one day. We went to the Manitou Cliff Dwellings for the first part of the morning. These dwellings have been a tourist stop since like 1905. Each section was home to 2-4 families (depending on the number of floors). It was such an organized dwelling, too. There were refuse spots and storage levels. Camden peaked in every nook and crannie.

She also climbed up stairs and explored the second floor of one of the homes.

Camden hit the "me do it" stage on this trip and insisted frequently that she could do things on her own. Buckle her seat belt, open a water bottle, hold the computer on her lap, climb up and down stairs, etc.. Unfortunately in one of her independent moments, she let go of Daddy's hand and attempted to step down a flight of stairs...and went tumbling. Our poor child and her head! She only slid down one rise, but it was a complete face plant.

I was dreading what the bruises were going to look like the next few days, but it actually healed rather quickly and was all but gone in a few days. There is still one little scab today, but it should be healed soon.

Lora's mom also joined us and Camden really liked have a "grandma" along.

The gift store had amazing Native American treasures and a small museum.

Finally, there was a tipi at the top of the parking lot so visitors could compare the dwellings.

Besides the small injury, we were glad we journeyed back for this site.

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