Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Eating My Fruits and Vegetables

We bought Camden a little basket of plastic fruits and vegetables. Every evening after dinner we sit on the porch, blow bubbles, and play with these toys. She spends so much time "eating" them and making sure we get a bite as well.

Love this one:

One time I did the old Saturday morning cartoon joke of eating the ear of corn like a typewriter, saying "ding" when I got to the end of the row. She picked up on it and now does it everytime she eats the corn. What a hilarious blast from the past that she (and no one under 30) would begin to understand. It's pretty funny, though, and she laughs every time.

Oh...and one thing to keep in mind, if you ever eat a plastic banana or green pepper with Camden, after taking a bite, you have to throw it into the air!

1 comment:

Lindsay Reinert said...

I'm under 30 and I remember the ding!!! haha.