Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Exploration Acres

On Saturday morning, Camden and I headed to Lafayette to visit with Gramma Pat and Grampa Jim. We also got to see Aunt Linda and Grammy.

That afternoon, we wanted to do something fun, so we headed to Exploration Acres. Aunt Carole, LaLa and Ree Ree joined us.

We didn't plan to do the corn maze that this destination is famous for, but instead wanted to visit the 6-acre pumpkin patch. Before we ventured out in the field, however, we did some of the kid-friendly activities they had set up.

Of course because Camden loves water and loves rubber ducks, she immediately was drawn to the duckie races.

There was also a great hay mound that Ree Ree willingly took Camden up despite the fact that her allergies were going bonkers because of the all the hay. She's such a good cousin (who Camden adores)!

Next they headed into the small "practice" corn maze. Camden wouldn't crawl through, but neither would the older girls...it was dark!

Then we hopped on a wagon for a brief hayride to the far end of the pumpkin patch.

It was a hot day and the sun was beating down. Grampa Jim forgot his hat (and needs to stay out of the sun because of skin cancer)...so Camden's extra pair of shorts did the trick!

Then it was time to start our pumpkin hunt...

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