Wednesday, December 14, 2016

New Market Christmas Program

The Second-Fourth Graders put on the Christmas program.  Camden looked adorable in her new dress.  It's probably one of my favorite dressy outfits on her in a while.  Too bad she was so excited that she could not stand, look at the camera, and smile at the same time.

She is letting her hair grow and has discovered she like head bands.  Again, the jumping (and coat hood) didn't help, but she looks good with it pulled back.

The show had 9 really cute songs in it.  She is on the lower risers on the right, second row.

Fixing her hair next to one of the music teachers...

I can't seem to copy a video of another song from one of the teachers, but it can be seen by clicking this link to Facebook

Camden's class had many of the featured dancers.




After the program we went to town for ice cream.  It's a tradition (although we went to DQ instead of Culver's this time).

1 comment:

carole said...

Absolutely adorable Miss Camden! And I love the headband!