Monday, December 19, 2016

Class Party

Camden's last day of school was Friday and on Thursday they had their class Christmas party.  I planned the event and a few other moms helped out. 

On a side note, look at the balance balls a lot of the kids use.  It's a new trend in classrooms to use non-traditional seating.  We were allowed to purchase a ball for our child and send it in to be inflated and used.  Camden is on the green ball in the middle by her social butterfly self (read too distracted/distracting).

We made cute reindeer and snowman clothespin ornaments.  The model we used:

And the kids' ones actually looked close to this.  I painted them all before hand and we used glue dots to attach items.  It was a great craft project for a short party.

For the gift exchange, each child bought a gift for someone of the same gender.  We then did a round robin exchange game where a parent read a story and each time she said "right" they passed the gift one person to the right.  And "left" meant to pass the gift to the left.  The kids enjoyed the craziness that ensued in shuffling the gifts.


Camden was thrilled to end up with a small gumball machine and an eyeball splat ball.

We ended the party with snacks.  Fun days!

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