Thursday, August 8, 2013


We lounged around the Inn on Saturday morning, took one last swim, and then hit the German Cafe for lunch.  But we wanted something to do that afternoon before returning home.  Since we have the museum pass that allows you to visit partner museums for free, we looked to see if anything was in Bloomington.  Sure enough, we discoverd the Wonderlab.  Probably one of the best hands-on kids' science centers I've seen.

The bubble room was amazing.

We played for a good 15 minutes (easily) with the cloud bubbles.  You can catch them, carefully, as they form and descend from the machine.

When you pop them, they vaporize in a puff of "smoke".  Very, very cool!

These two had fun at this large bubblemaking machine.  One aspect creates a wall of bubble liquid and you push a button next to the wheel for air to shoot at the wall to create huge bubbles.  Lots of giggles from Camden as she (or Kevin) created and popped them.

A parachute drop and water table were so different and well done.

There was a pully machine where the kids could pull themselves up.

And an amazing climbing structure shaped like leaves that went up at least two stories.  Camden made it almost to the top, before deciding she was done, but she loved the challenge.

There were also Bloomington High School students doing hands-on experiments in one of the classrooms.  Camden made gluep, a homemade kazoo, and performed acid/base tests.

The best line of the day was when she was decorating a toilet paper roll to make the kazoo.  Unprompted by us, she made a big "P" on the side and declared, "P for Purdue!"  Kevin and I looked at each other and laughed.  Being in IU country we were proud that our girl knows where her loyalty lies!

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