Friday, August 23, 2013

Evening Activities

After dinner, we decided to spend some time playing outside together.  It seems like we go so much or just veg out in the evening.  It was too beautiful not to get outside.
We decided to see if Camden would be up for trying to ride her little bike without the training wheels.  She can't do it on the big pink one since she can't touch the ground easily.  She was totally game!  

Kevin held her back the entire time and she was wobbly.  After a few passes around the front yard, she was done.  It was a good first effort and we didn't push her to keep at it.  She will master it when she is ready and we want her to continue to be willing to try.
Next we got out our frisbees.  Camden is much better this year.  She definitely has the motion and almost has aim down.

A break to pet the doggie across the street.

Then onto softball.  She gave a great effort at using a mitt. 

She kept her eye on the ball, but still had a hard time opening and squeezing the mitt to catch it.

She has a decent throw and decent aim...for a rookie! 

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