Friday, August 9, 2013

Indiana State Fair

Kevin's last day of vacation was Tuesday and Camden starts Kindergarten next week (yikes!), so we took one last summer "hurrah."  It was $2 day at the State Fair, so that was our destination.
Lots of tractors to climb, mowers to sit on, and barns to explore.

The kids area had been revamped (or at least we don't recall this neat "farm trail" before).  Camden was given an apron and a bucket then had to walk along the trail, performing various farm chores at each stop.  One of the fair princesses was at the chicken coop.

At the end of the trail, she turned everything in and got paid for the chores.  She took the play dollar into the final barn where she could buy a snack - applesauce, cheese stick, milk, juice, etc.  Really neat activity for kids.

We stopped through several of the 4-H farm buildings checking out horses, goats, cows, and pigs.

We came across several Spongebob items, so pictures were requested!

She helped catch jellyfish (one of SB & Patrick's favorite games) and drove the Scooby van in an exhibit building dedicated to cartoons and animation.

Of course, one of the highlights of any fair is the food.  Most of the stands had some $2 special so it was nice to be able to share a big variety of items for a little bit of money.  Camden's favorites were sno-cones and deep fried cookie dough (and oreos).  Kevin and I enjoyed those (well not so much the sno-cone), but also King fries, rib-eye sandwich, and an inside-out grilled cheese.

We had to get some ice cream at the dairy barn and a picture with a HUGE cow. 

We decided to take the tractor trolley back to the other side and get an elephant ear before we left.  Unfortunately, we were too tired to walk much further (we'd already been walking about 5+ hours) and there was no place selling one nearby.  I can't believe we ate so much food...but not the classic fried dough (our ultimate favorite).  Next year I think we'll get it early in the day!

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