Friday, July 23, 2010

I'm Too Old For This...

Have I mentioned before that we have a very active little girl? Have I mentioned before that she is a daredevil? In the last two weeks, Camden has managed to fall out of a shopping cart (on her head...scaring both her parents and herself to no end) and run off the curb into a very busy intersection when leaving the fair. Thankfully she was fine from the fall (and now happily sits in the cart seat with a buckle on) and ReeRee and Uncle Ric weres quick to grab her again before she made more than a few steps. ***Sigh****

Last night Camden had been going into the kitchen and getting into things, so Kevin put the gate up. When he moved it from against the wall, he found Camden's latest art project.

We have no idea when she created it...she's rarely out of our sight in the house. Fortunately, the washable crayons came off instantly with a Magic Eraser.

A short time later, I noticed she was being awful quiet while she played in her room by herself. Kevin peeked his head around the corner and quickly motioned for me to come look (as he laughs). Camden had not only scattered every toy around her room (no biggie), but she had created a staircase out of her dresser drawers and was sitting on her changing table playing with her hair accessories.

She thinks she's hilarious. I'm just grateful she didn't topple off the top or bring the whole thing down on herself. Our words didn't convince her that she shouldn't be up there, so she tried to climb up again.

We finally had to shut the door and make her room off limits the rest of the evening. Tomorrow we're going to the store to get more drawer locks (like we have in the kitchen) to attach to her dresser. The little monkey...

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