Monday, July 1, 2019

Vacation 2019: Karts, Dinner Feud, and Snow!

We had a light rain expected in the afternoon, so we hit our outdoor activity in the morning.  We elected to do go-karts that had a combo pass that included time in the arcade.  Kevin and Camden did 2 races on different tracks before the rain drops started falling.

We had to be at our dinner show - Hatfield & McCoy's Dinner Feud by 1pm.  We did a lunch show (because the early dinner one was sold out) and ended up saving $10 per adult ticket which I hadn't realized was the case until I bought them.  Yeehaw!

We were seated and our serving came immediately to get our drink orders and to bring us creamy vegetable soup.  After a slightly chilly, rainy entrance, it was so delicious.

After we finished our soup, our main course arrived - fried chicken, BBQ pulled pork, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, cole slaw, and rolls.

It was all you could eat, but she brought just about the right amount of food.  We actually had 3 pieces of leftover chicken (which I put in a few napkins and took back to the cabin for lunch the next day - oh yes I did!).  Kevin also bought the pictures we had taken as we entered, along with 2 flags, and a DVD of today's show.

We were on the McCoy side and Camden proudly waved our flag when it was time to hoot and holler.

The show opened with a small band playing some music then they invited kids 12 and under up to the stage to dance to one song.  This was such fun...also a smart move to get people to buy the DVD!  She is in the green shirt on the right...keeping up with all the moves.

Before they cleared the floor and began the action, we got our dessert.  Each of us had selected banana pudding.  But since it was all-you-can-eat, we figured we should each try the chocolate pudding too!  Both were good and we finished them off while the show got underway.  It was as corny as we expected, but also tons of fun because of it.

The set changed several times and even opened up into a swimming hole.

While we waited the few minutes for the DVD to be cut, we went outside, watching some goats and chickens play.

Wonderworks (a hands-on museum) was right next door and since it was only 4:30, we thought we could fit it in.  We were waiting in line when another mom leaned over as she was leaving and said that Camden would not be able to do some things in the museum without closed toe shoes.  We decided to head back to the cabin and get them.  But on the way out, we discussed the continued drizzle and that maybe we would forgo our plans for Dollywood tomorrow and just do something else tonight and return for a full day at Wonderworks.  It was the new plan!

We had not planned to go to Pigeon Forge Snow, but had stopped earlier in the day for a restroom break (gotta do what you gotta do) and Camden requested it as an activity.  Since it was on the way back to the cabin, that is what we did.

You can see the conveyer belt to the left that takes the riders back to the top.  She whoo-hoo'd down the hill each of the 10 or so times she went in the hour of ride-time we bought.

After this fun, we headed back to the cabin for some swim time, porch time, leftovers for dinner, and just general relaxing.

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