Monday, July 29, 2019

Camden's 11th Birthday Party

Camden's birthday party was Sunday afternoon.  We started with just her local kid friends at the Crawfordsville pool for some swimming.

Family joined us back at our house for dinner, presents, and dessert.  We had a marvelous spread (which I forgot to get a picture of).  Kevin smoked an absolutely delicious brisket.  Added to that was hot dogs, grilled brussel sprouts/red pepper/onion skewers, mac & cheese, deviled eggs, cucumber/tomato/onion salad, corn on the cob, and chips.  It was a delicious meal (if I do say so myself!).

After dinner, she opened her presents.

She had tons of favorite things, but the gift that got the most talk...a jar of skittles from her cousin Joe and Amanda (and Olivia, Luke, and Lincoln).

Why?  Because when she took opened it to get a taste, inside was a further surprise....

...a roll of money!

After presents it was time to blow out the sparkling candles on her unicorn cupcakes.

To the side of the cupcakes is a banana pudding cheesecake and my favorite NY cheesecake.  Both were top notch (if I do say so myself)!

That banana pudding cheesecake went fast...but who can pass up two of the best desserts in one bite?

For the cupcakes, I made tie-dye batter, filled it with sprinkles and created a pink & purple swirl with whippy frosting.  Again, delicious!

In between all of this, the kids (more cousins came so we had 15 kiddos all together) played outside on the trampoline, chased each other with laser guns, watched TV, played with the kitten and opened (finally) one of her presents.

Each kid tried, but finally Amanda managed to squeeze it open!

Inside was a foamy slime (which was a favorite amongst the kids) and a cute little cow toy.

 At the end of the night, a few rounds of Pit were played, along with Pokemon Headbandz.

It was a very fun (and exhausting for mom & dad) party.

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