Friday, September 8, 2017


We have an official diagnosis of migraines.  It was a short visit to our new Riley neurologist, but confirmation that it is classic migraines.

Most likely get a little worse and more frequent through puberty, but she will probably outgrow them. She recommend we try the top dose of Ibuprofen at onset, but also prescribed some migraine meds if this doesn't work.

Since it was lunch time and we were on 116th St. in Carmel, I decided to take her to my favorite sushi restaurant on 116th in Fishers.  She thought it was the best mom and daughter time.

I think she was just happy I didn't take her back to school for the afternoon.

1 comment:

carole said...

Well sorry to hear it is migraines - but glad for a diagnosis and some help available. And OF COURSE you took that Sushi girl for her favorite meal:)