Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Max At Home

Max is quickly becoming acclimated to his new home.  He spends a lot of time under the couch, but ventures out frequently to play with the plethera of toys Camden has left on the floor or to pat at an ornament on the tree or simply to rub up against our leg.  He is coming or answering when we call his name, too.  I think he is most definitely home!

The pictures make him look bigger than reality.  He is actually still a very small kitten - only 2 months and a week old.  He is also very willing to let Camden play with him for very brief splits of time...poor Max...

We are still working on the squeezing!

Austin's popsicle star ornament is really tempting fate.  Max is under the tree often...and swats at it each time!

1 comment:

Alette Grace said...

did you get him for christmas? he is the cutest thing ever!