Monday, December 19, 2011

'Jama Day

Friday was Camden's Christmas party at school. It was also Pajama Day.  We got a handful of free books at the Christmas parade and there were some duplicates.  I took them in on Friday to leave with her teacher.  The pajama clad girls immediately formed a reading circle and dove in.

Camden had to bring a $5 gift for another girl in the class for an exchange.  I found a fun playdough set at Kohl's that, with discount, was under $5.  I also threw in one of the free books.  It was a great gift...and Camden was excited.  I told her what the gift was (but didn't show her) and explained that it was for one of her friends.  I knew that if she saw it, she would want it.  I thought she understood that it was the gift she was GIVING, but apparantly during the gift exchange she was pretty adament that the playdough was HER gift and was fairly aggitated about it.  Her teacher finally got her calmed down and accepting of the book she received and, downtrodden, she proclaimed, "I guess I'll tell mommy I didn't get the playdough."  

I will score mommy points when, on Christmas morning, she learns that I bought 2 playdough sets! 

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