Thursday, December 2, 2010

Daycare Christmas Program

Camden's daycare had their Christmas Program last night.  It lasted all of 15 minutes since that's about how long 2-5 year olds can last.  The four other girls in her class were decked out in their finest!

Of course, Camden had not taken a nap that afternoon and was exhausted and only wanted to be held by me, so she was a little upset when she had to be left in her classroom after being there all day.  She refused to get down and be in the picture!

She was okay in the program, but was on the verge of tears the entire time. 

She kept her hands to her mouth and stared longingly in my direction.  The plus side is she was singing beneath it all.

About to lose it....

After the program she was full of life and happily danced and posed in front of the Christmas tree.

She sat for a picture with GaGa (the one with Grandpa was blurry!) and ran through the hall to show GaGa her classroom and the gym.

But, of course, her favorite part were the cookies and punch.  And who can blame her, the peanut butter chocolate ones looked out of this world!

Then she gave me the "enough already!" look.

It was a short and very sweet program.  We sure loved seeing our baby girl in her first program!

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