Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Birthday Parade

After the day at Cataract Falls, we decided we wanted to get pizza from Rockstar Pizza in Brownsburg.  Yes it was a bit of a drive but we could cut across I-70 and it wouldn't be horrible.  On our way over, I remembered that it was Rachel's birthday (and Lauren's had just passed) and they were in Brownsburg.  We decided to swing by and do a birthday parade of one car.

We caught them just as they were leaving the Day's home.  I had quickly made a sign for Camden to hold out the truck window and we honked and waved and shouted our wishes as we drove by.

We ran over to curbside pick up our pizza and stop at Mandy's ice cream for snack on the drive home.  Guess where the birthday girls (and Destin) had gone? 

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