Monday, February 24, 2020

Lion King, Jr.

The Vanity Theater put on this musical over the past 2 weekends.  It was completely sold out, so they opened a show on Thursday night and I quickly got 2 tickets for Camden and I to attend.  The bonus was that I had gift certificates for it from a PTO basket we bid on last year at the carnival.

Several of Camden's friends (and kids of my friends) were in the production.  Our very talented neighbor, Alivia, was one of the stars.

The costumes were magnificent.  Timon and Pumba provided the necessary comic relief. 

Scar and the hyenas were a highlight.

Rafiki was humorous and wise.

And "newborn" Simba got the most ah's from the audience.

Her friends Tovi (in her class) and Avery (a year older, but kindred spirits).

Another newer friend, Kaitlin, who is very kind and fun, squealed in delight when she saw Camden after the show.

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