Friday, December 13, 2019

Cut, Color, and Sushi

Camden made a much needed change.  I have been gently coaxing her for a bit to get a decent haircut, but his is a "trigger" area for her and I have to tread lightly.  With such a tender head, she was not letting me help keep it taken care of and it was getting too hard for her to keep clean and brushed without knots.

I told our hair dresser that my only requirements was that the back was cut off and the front was left with some length so she could tuck behind her ears.  I also agreed to let Camden get some color again and she opted for some blue on the tips of her front.

The results are absolutely beautiful!

There was a good 4-5 inches cut off the back.  Camden got a bit worried, but was content to let it happen.

The color is a darker blue so it's not immediately "shocking," but when the light hits it, it is stunning.

A hair cut appointment has often been filled with many tears, but she was a true client today.  We celebrated with sushi!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your hair!!! Really cute! Gramma Pat