Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Vacation 2019: Father's Day

We got a nice deal on a hotel in Lexington for Saturday night with one of the best hotel breakfast buffets we've had in a long time.  Since we had stopped at the Ark, we didn't end up doing anything in Lexington beside swimming at our hotel and eating some of the best Chinese food we've had.

While out and about, we drove around the University of Kentucky campus.  We drove by the football stadium and discovered the Kroger (or kROGER) field.

When we headed out on Sunday morning, we got an iced tea for the road and realized we were definitely in Wildcat territory.

We discovered we were on a mini-campus tour while passing through Knoxville and the University of Tennessee campus.  We paid our respect to the college home of Peyton Manning.

We got into Gatlinburg in perfect timing to head to our cabin, drop off our stuff, and then hit the town for dinner.  We ate at Big Daddy's Pizzeria which is a small chain in the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area.  

We were warned that the kids meal pizza was small so we started off with some pretzels with their homemade cheese sauce.  It was some of the best we've had (sensing a theme?).

Kevin and I got a Philly Cheesesteak pizza (which was our meal tonight and another night at the cabin).

Camden had a cheese pizza (which was a normal kid's size pizza) and a piece of sweetened dough to shape while she waited.  She made a cat which our waitress took back to the kitchen to be cooked.

After dinner we decided to check out one of the mountain coasters.  We elected the Goats on the Roof since it had high reviews.

There literally were goats on and around the main building in front of the coaster.

I elected not to ride so Kevin and Camden took their turn.

The cars were taken on the conveyer belt all the way up the hill and back into the mountains before you are released and can control the speed you go with hand brakes.  I was a little worried that Camden would be nervous, but she was a speed demon like her dad.

They both loved it and we opted to do a re-ride for only $5 more.  They went to buy their tickets and the lady said the people at the start didn't take their ticket stub, so they could just again.  They went a second time and when they returned we opted to buy the re-ride and I went with Camden on her third ride.  We ended up getting quite the deal!

Definitely an experience to remember!

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