Thursday, April 11, 2019

Invention Convention & STEAM Night

Camden decided to participate in the annual invention convention at her school.  The students (working alone or in pairs) come up with a new idea or an adaptation of an existing idea. 

Camden went with adapting lice removal kits to include a dye that would help identify nits so all could be removed and decrease the chance of recurrence.  I had told her about the red tablets we had a school when I was younger that colored your teeth where plaque still was after brushing.  She thought that could be adapted to work with lice.  She prepared a poster of her idea along with her rationale.  Some kids were able to do a mock-up of their ideas, but since hers required some advanced chemistry knowledge, her presentation was simply the idea.

After a pizza break, Kevin and Camden enjoyed some of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) activities that were set up around the gym.

Controlling a robot (small ball) on the iPad to create a work of art.

She didn't win any place in the invention competition, but it was a good process to go it was a really practical and potential invention.

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