Tuesday, February 19, 2019

School Valentine's Party

It's her last elementary party!  Two of my 5th grade mom friends were running the party and I came to help.  It was so bittersweet....the three of us have run the majority of the parties since 1st grade. 

They passed out their cards before we got started with games and crafts.

We divided into 3 groups.  At my station, they blew q-tips through straws and tried to land in the heart followed by relay races.  They also had a photo booth and did a heart origami craft.

Then we gathered them all for the SaranWrap ball game.  They had to use oven mitts and unwrap the ball, collecting small candy and prizes as they went.  Meanwhile a pair of dice are being rolled and when doubles come up the ball moves to the next person.

Camden got several small items, but also was the final person who unwrapped the big prize at the end.

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