Friday, June 15, 2018

Holiday World Adventure

Kevin had the day off on Thursday and it seemed the perfect day to use some tickets to Holiday World that I got at a fundraising auction.  We made it a one-day trip, so it was a lot of driving, but so much fun.

Camden and Kevin headed immediately for the first coaster - the Raven.  We still had our bags for the waterpark (slowly making our way to our locker in this area), so I waited in the shade while they took a turn.  This was one of the few lines we had all day - mainly because it's the first big ride you come to, so everyone does it before spreading out in various directions.  But even it was only about 10 or so minutes.

I joined Camden on several of the smaller, but classic rides.

The second roller coaster was up next.  Camden and Kevin rode this, the three of us rode it, and Camden finished out the night riding it by herself.  Definitely a favorite.

Swings, boat ride, the Thunderbird (only metal one in the park) and several others took up the rest of the early afternoon.

We all rode the Voyage (the one with the huge hill/drop) and later Camden did it by herself.  Do you see a theme - our little ride junkie!

We spent the later afternoon in the water park, almost until it closed at 6pm.  We then headed to the rest of the "worlds" (still had 4th of July and Christmas) to finish out our visit.  We were out of our swim suits, but I put on my water shoes to ride the rapids with Camden.  Good for my feet, but the rest of me was drenched.  

Ended with some games and souvenirs until the park closed at 8pm.  Besides breakfast on our way and a pretzel/nachos mid-afternoon, we hadn't eaten.  We were saving our appetite for a favorite Mexican Restaurant in nearby Ferdinand that we discovered last year.

We didn't get home until 1am!  Camden was miserably tired and grumpy.  She tried to sleep, but the ride was windy and bumpy.  At one point, around midnight, she said to me (through tears), "I hope you know I'm not going to be a happy camper tomorrow."  I tried really hard not to laugh at her worn-out, went full-throttle all day self.

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